Good point! Since the law doesn't go into effect until nearly the end of October, that would not give the Commission much time to work on the terminology. Fortunately, while the other provisions of L.D. 461 will not go into effect until the effective date, there was nothing prohibiting the Commission from beginning to work on the terminology as soon as they knew about the assignment. They have formed a subcommittee that has been working on the definitions, and the recommendations of the subcommittee will be reported back to the full Commission next week. Chances are there will be solutions to some of the confusions, but not all.
If you want to follow the activities of the Commission, they have both a YouTube channel where the videos of all their meetings are posted, and a brand new website (still under construction) that will have meeting minutes, notices of meetings with agendas, etc. Here are links:
YouTube -
- Click on the LIVE tab for more videos
Website -
- Unfortunately not all of the links are working yet. But the fact that they have a website at all is a huge step forward. They were given no budget to work with, and were prohibited from getting a low cost website due to State security requirements. But when they tried to get a website through the State system, they were informed it was going to cost $400 a month, which, as the Commission Chair commented, "is a lot of bake sales!" But after some intensive research, the Commission's paralegal discovered a little-known loop hole for unfunded State Commissions that enables them to get a State website for free! She is now undergoing training on how to get it fully set up and running.