Thank you for clarifying your post. In reply to your first question, Wayne, our by-laws allow a meeting to be called by three members who need not be officers; 30-day notification is required. Also, a majority vote of the membership at any meeting can remove officers elected by the membership. Our by-laws don't permit this but it might be helpful to allow a majority vote at any meeting to also approve interim leaders until the next election (at annual meeting in our by-laws).
The association can decide on the whether the proxy/absentee ballot is general or specific to the agenda items. We allow both proxy and absentee voting and send the forms out to all members with meeting notification. Our Board decided to underline, on the agenda, the items that can be voted absentee. Our Absentee Ballot allows for approval or disapproval of agenda items to be voted. Our TEMPLATES for both the Agenda and Proxy/absentee Ballots are available under Item 4 on the Member Resources Page of this website.
If there are additional motions made and voted on at the meeting, those voting absentee need to be given the opportunity to vote on those as well if their votes can change the outcome.
The Statutes use the modifier "may" with reference to proxy/absentee voting privileges, so I suggest these privileges be spelled out in the by-laws. I think most road associations would benefit from agreeing to a set of by-laws but 23 Title §§3101-3104 do not require them for compliance.