Our non-profit corporation by-laws state this in Article XIV - Dues and Assessments......
Section 1. Annual Dues. The members may determine from time to time the amount of annual dues payable to the Corporation by members.
Section 2. Assessments. Assessments may be levied for paying the costs of protecting, preserving, care and maintenance of the Wilson View Drive.
If your bylaws are like this then the Board of Directors should determine how much the road would cost for grading, plowing, insurance, office supplies, etc and make a budget proposal for the members to agree to pay as annual dues. If someone does not pay, as a corporation, you are entitled to put a lien on their home.
But first you need a road maintenance agreement that spells out how the fees will be determined. That gets tricky. We have landowners that only have 75' frontage to over 500' frontage.