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Maine Alliance for Road Associations

Making amendments at annual meeting- do absent members have a vote?

  • 12 May 2015 8:59 AM
    Message # 3340484

    I am sending out  revised By Laws to be voted at our annual meeting. I will be sending out an absentee ballot form. But....  If someone proposes a revision to this revision and we have a quorum, should the absent members have some way to vote after the vote at our meeting?

    In other words do we vote on the day and then I send out the revised revised proposal for others to vote?

  • 14 May 2015 8:09 AM

    I think there is a convention in absentee ballots that if the vote at the meeting was such that there was a majority big enough to mean that if the absent members might, if voting unanimouly, be able to overturn the changes, then I think you are expected to send another ballot out.

    If you had instituted proxy voting, proxies could vote at the meeting, 

    This is probably in Robert's Rules of Order. Many associations don't even attempt to go by those rules, but it is best if you do.


    Last modified: 14 May 2015 8:09 AM | Anonymous member

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