Hello, we formed a road association and incorporated as a non-profit corporation in 1994. How do the new laws impact us? There are many changes compared to the copies of the MRSA that I have from 1995. We have been very inactive as a group other than collecting donations to pay the city to sand in the winter. In 1996 the city had said they would accept our road 'for extended summer maintenance' which in the ordinance includes ditching, brushing, grading, gravel and culverts. They have only done grading and a few culverts and very little gravel. They have not brushed and say they are not supposed to ditch. (I don't think they have read their own ordinance recently.) The road is in need of work and we finally elected a president who will try to work with the city on this. However, we still want to maintain our road association if the city won't or can't do needed repairs and upkeep. We have never gotten any easements or deeds. Our by-laws are not consistent with the new rules about meeting notices, mailings, etc. When we formed these were not requirements. Thanks to any one out there who may be in a similar situation and can provide some guidance.