on Forming a Road Association
Think a formal road
association might be
just what your
private unpaved road needs
to help get
the funds and
agreement to keep
it properly maintained?
Looking for some guidance
on what type
of association might be
best for you,
and how to form one?
Attending a Forming a Road Association workshop might be
just what you
need. The Maine
Department of Environmental
Protection, with assistance
from local Soil
and Water Conservation
Districts, will be
holding workshops on forming
a road association
(including tips from
a lawyer!) at two locations this summer:
Thursday, August
19, 6pm-8pm Casco Fire
Station (637 Meadow
Road), Casco, downstairs
Wednesday, August 25,
7pm-9pm Evening Star Grange
(31 Old Union
Road), Washington, downstairs Workshop Agenda: •
Connection between
lake water quality
and unpaved private roads •
Benefits of road
associations • Types
of road associations
and pros and
cons of different
types • Steps
to forming a formal
road association • How to assess
road repair and
maintenance needs •
Discussion of common
road association concerns by an attorney • Attorney
question & answer
• Sign-up for a chance to
get free assistance
with forming a road association An attorney
with experience with road
associations will be
attending both workshops
to help answer
attendee questions. Several roads in
lake watersheds across the
state will receive
free assistance with forming
a road association
from their local
Soil and Water
Conservation District. By attending
a work- shop, you can
sign-up for a chance to
be one of the lucky
ones. These workshops are free
and everyone is welcome
to attend at
either location. Please pass
this information on to others who
may be interested
in attending.
Much of the information
presented at the workshops will be
based on the recently updated Guide to
Forming Road Associations.
This Guide, and
other resources pertaining to unpaved
private roads, can
be found by
following the Camp
Road Maintenance link from
Maine DEP’s website,
To attend a workshop,
please RSVP to:
Kristin Feindel, Maine DEP or 207-287-5586
The single largest pollutant to Maine
lakes is soil
and the greatest
source is private
unpaved roads. Is
your road one
of them? Learn what you
can do to ensure your
road isn’t harming
your lake -visit