Thank you very much for the reply. I had a few more thoughts and information on the this matter.
As I understand it, the private section is deemed a private way, not a private road. Does that make a difference?
It sounds like those that “benefit” from the road must have 30 day notice of the meeting which forms the road association. Do those that “benefit” have a vote on matters as well as the ability to hold a position (commissioner, treasurer, secretary, etc.)?
We will actually have a total of +/- 150 pieces of property that are involved. Roughly 12-18 in the area that are parcel owners that abut the road, and then another 130 that rely on the road to access their property.
Does it matter if the section of road that will make up the road association is in two different towns?
Central Maine Power is in the process of purchasing two of the properties that abut the road. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for us?
Thanks for all your help!