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Maine Alliance for Road Associations

Having the town take over a private road.

  • 10 Dec 2016 5:44 PM
    Message # 4451835
    Deleted user

    Can a town refuse to take over a private road if it was once a public road ( perhaps back in the 1950's or so) simply because we have formed a road association? We formed an Association over 12 years ago. The street sign says private road on it and they haven't maintained it for over 30 years.

  • 22 Dec 2016 11:36 AM
    Reply # 4471839 on 4451835

    While I am not currently a municipal official I am associated with several who are and have asked for their thoughts regarding your question.

    I believe the answer to your question is YES. But generally it would not be because you have a road association but more likely that your road does not meet your town's Road or Street Standards. Did you meet with your Select Board and have any discussion regarding the road standards? If the road does meet standards as determined by competent "testing" and measurements, then you could ask the Select Board to prepare a Warrant for acceptance of the road and present it at Town Meeting requesting an affirmative vote by the citizens.

    Some towns have an Ordinance which states the procedure for acceptance of a road or street.

                            The Maine Alliance for Road Associations

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