Betsy Connor Bowen wrote:There may be no association, just a private road. You may need to form an association if you want to share maintenance costs. You say one person "owns the road." How many other people have parcels they use to get to by the road? Is their access deeded? These are questions you may want to find answers to.
First off, what is the problem? Do you want a road association for maintenance reasons?
There are 6 Lots on this road, The Access is deeded, and the deed states
The " Ingress and egress instalation and maintence of utilities and all purposes for which a town way may be used" a little para phrase.
The Road also has a maintenance agreement verbatum what is posted on the link that i posted on file with the cumberland county registars of deeds.
First problem is, yes, maintenance.
Second problem is Snowplowing, does a plowing person have to be Bonded?
Basiclly everytime the assocaiton meets and decided on somehting he says that since i own the road you can't do that? Or here are some redicoulus stipulations.