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Maine Alliance for Road Associations

Call for Annual Meeting- estimates required?

  • 07 May 2018 6:02 PM
    Message # 6142263

    I am sending out our Call for the annual meeting.  We have not received estimates on Summer maintenance needs yet.

    In reviewing past messages I see conflicting info:  I see that I should provide some min/max cost estimates.  And then I also see that the requirement is to provide a list of items for the Budget section but costs are not required.

    Last modified: 07 May 2018 6:04 PM | Anonymous member
  • 08 May 2018 8:05 AM
    Reply # 6142889 on 6142263

    If you go back to the statute, it reads: "The notice must inform the owners of the planned meeting's agenda and specify all items to be voted on, including, but not limited to, all proposed budget items or amendments that will determine the amount of money to be paid by each owner pursuant to subsection 5.

    It does read that items to be voted on that will determine the assessments, not what the assessments will be in terms of $. 

    Frankly, it looks like how how much detail you go into in the call is a matter of choice. Attorneys and people in general may differ on this question and all be right, as can the legal wrangling that may follow!

    Last modified: 09 May 2018 8:50 AM | Anonymous member
  • 08 May 2018 5:19 PM
    Reply # 6144336 on 6142889
    Deleted user
    Betsy Connor Bowen wrote:

    Frankly, it looks like how how much detail you go into in the call is a matter of interpretation. Attorneys and people in general will differ on this question and all be right, as can the legal wrangling that may follow!

    That's been my experience!

                            The Maine Alliance for Road Associations

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