I'm interested in hearing how other associations handle administrative costs. 23 MRSA 3101 states that the funds provided by the members of a road association may be used not only for maintenance but also "for other costs, including, but not limited to, ... costs of administration. " Those of us who have been at this for a while know how many hours can be consumed, (especially in a large association,) in tracking down the current owner of each lot, cross-checking town tax records with the Registry of Deeds to see if any property has sold, contacting real estate agents of lands posted for sale to make sure they know about the association, answering questions, pursuing non-payers, seeking bids, attending to correspondence, etc.
When our association started it was on shaky financial footing, and the officers chipped in the cost of stamps, envelopes, and copies out of their own pockets. But with increased membership and better compliance, we have a bit more wiggle room. Last year we added a budget item to cover secretarial supplies.
Do any other associations actually provide any compensation for administrative time? As I read it, the law appears to allow it, but I'd like to know what others think. I'm sure we're not the only association that has trouble getting anyone to serve on the board, and it might be more attractive if there was some compensation involved.