UPDATE - The legislative Work Session on L.D. 848 and 1151 is this Monday, Apr 8, 2019, at 10:30 a.m. in room 214 of the Cross building (behind the State House). Usually the public doesn't get to have much input at work sessions, but sometimes you can snag one or more of the legislators as they come in or out of the room, or you can just sit there and give them a thumbs up or thumbs down on their comments. You can also still put in your written testimony if you email it to the Committee Clerk at SLG@legislature.maine.gov before the Work Session. Depending on whether they decide what to do with the bill right then and there, or want more time to think about it, they may or may not get to read your testimony before they decide.
There is another bill that may be of interest for any of you whose roads were once town or county roads that were abandoned under 23 MRSA 3028. (This does NOT apply to private roads that were established in subdivisions, or that never were accepted as town ways.) That bill is L.D. 1415, which would repeal abandonment at the end of this year. After that, towns would only be able to relieve themselves of responsibility for maintaining a road by going through the formal process of discontinuance set forth in 23 MRSA 3026-A.
You can read the full text of any of these bills by going here http://legislature.maine.gov/LawMakerWeb/search.asp
and typing the L.D. number into the search box. You can read the existing laws here http://legislature.maine.gov/statutes/search.htm by typing in the title and section numbers. Or for more information you can email me at roadways@juno.com .