By "under the law", the phrase ending your first paragraph, I assume you mean under the Private Ways Statute, 23 MRS 3101 to 3106. As I understand it, repair and maintenance of the defective paved section of your road, placed after July 1, 2007, would be excluded from Association actions that would be permitted and subject to the provisions and penalties for non-payment set forth in the Private Ways Statute. For instance, enforcement by advanced collection procedures such as "Notice of Claim" would not be possible. Use of voluntary funds for the above purpose may be possible. This is not addressed in the Statute. Since the original paving was unauthorized, however, I recommend Association approval of any proposal for repair or continuance of the defective paved section.
Paving of the Association road without permission may be considered an unapproved renegade action. Noting this and the inability of the Association to lawfully maintain said pavement, I believe the law would allow the Association (the owners) to approve funds for repair of this section by removing or reconfiguring the defective pavement to create a pervious surface capable of being maintained according to Statute.
A combination of voluntary contributions and owner assessment by the Association may facilitate member compliance. For costly maintenance projects, our road association encourages and accepts voluntary contributions from empathetic owners or from those who feel they have benefited disproportionately. These contributions reduce the assessment share and make it easier for owners to afford.
If the above project is cost prohibitive but could be put on hold for a year or more, owners could approve the funds and assess increments each year until the monies are accumulated.
Enforcement by advanced collection procedures would be possible for the assessment(s).
I recommend you check with your attorney on the above.