I referred this question to Pete Coughlan Director of the Maine Local Roads Center at the Maine DOT, and here is his reply (printed with his permission):
Hi Roberta,
I’ve seen many products for dust control over the years. They all promote their benefits and virtues. I can’t really see this product’s actual ingredients.
All products have a Fed’l safety sheet that tells ingredients and safety issues/precautions.
See “safety data sheets” here:
The actual performance of a product depends on many factors like soil type, plasticity, humidity, temp, subsoils, traffic type and volume, climate, etc. In one place, a product may be awesome and then simply not work in other locales.
I always say…….. try it in your location and see how it works.
There have been MANY studies over the years that compare different types and products. I think everyone of them has always concluded that CaCl2 is always the recommended one when one considers cost, environment, effectiveness, etc. When done correctly, CaCL2 stays in place and has little enviro impact.
Here is one article I saw a few years ago. Click on the "Gravel Road Maintenance Information” bullet, then see 6th bullet under that for product comparisons:
Peter M. Coughlan, P.E.Director, Maine Local Roads Center (LTAP)
Community Services Division
Maine DOT, Station 16, 24 Child St
Augusta ME 04333-0016
Ph: 207/624-3266 FAX: 207/624-3301